
Hello World

Hi world. Its hard to start a blog from scratch, I guess you start at the beginning and the first thing you do is introduce yourself.  So here I am introducing myself. Hello world I am Rachel, ( Mother of mini dragons, breaker of the rule you will not drink wine before 9:30PM, wearer of the out of date fashions , eater of the left over cake (or just cake, show me the cake), promiser of going to the gym next week, maybe) I guess the first thing after this is to say a bit truthfully about myself (the fashion and cake things are true please send cake)  I am a mum, and this will not be the usual mom blog. Why won't it be the usual mom blog, see below. I may swear occasionally ( maybe more than occasionally ) I have three children, two have autism, one is neurotypical My oldest who is a neurotypical girl attends main stream school and is thriving, my middle child, oldest son who has autism and ADHD is home schooled and is also thriving, my youngest son has severe autism and